e-Learning Module Developer

Tender ID: RFQ No 24/002
Tenderer: Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 01/07/2024 4:00 pm
Description: The primary objective of this engagement is to acquire the expertise of an e-learning module developer for the Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO), tasked with creating high-quality e-learning modules for SPSS, NVivo, and Survey Monkey.

Consultancy Services for the Research and design of a Standard and Certification Programme for the phasing out of Single-use Plastics in Pacific Tourism Sector

Tender ID: 24/001
Tenderer: Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 02/04/2024 12:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: 1.3. As a key economic sector for the region, tourism benefits from a cleaner environment and ocean ecosystem. However, it also puts pressure on these resources through unsustainable practices including the use of single-use plastics that potentially end up in the ocean. SPTO has partnered with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to implement Outcome three of the Pacific Oceans Litter Project with the goal of reducing single-use plastics across the tourism industry. This collaboration focuses on the research, design, development and implementation of a dedicated Standards and Certification Programme for phasing out single-use plastics and identifying alternative products for tourism businesses.

Tonga’s Legislative Review for Accession to the Pacific-EU Interim Economic Partnership Agreement

Tender ID: T.5.24
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 03/04/2024 4:00 pm
Description: The purpose of this contract is to review and update Tonga’s legislative framework to facilitate Tonga’s compliance with its legal obligations under the IEPA and its effective implementation post-accession.


Tender ID: T.2.24
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 15/03/2024 12:00 pm
Description: We are looking for an English-speaking consultant with recognized qualifications in Economics, Development Studies, Law or Business, with experience in supporting projects, programs or initiatives in Trade Development, Stakeholders’ Engagement and Monitoring and Evaluation, and preferably with experience in Pacific countries and regional institutions.

Consultancy Services to Set-up the Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF)

Tender ID: T.1.24
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 27/02/2024 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) is inviting tenders from English speaking consultants to provide advisory services to support the set-up of the Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF)

Consultancy Services to Support the PIFS E-Commerce Acceleration Program for the Pacific – E-commerce Toolkits Plus Program in Niue, Tonga and Vanuatu – Phase 1

Tender ID: T.55.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 21/12/2023 5:00 pm
Description: The overall objective of the proposed consultancy is to provide technical assistance to the Pacific region to support e-commerce acceleration. The specific objective of the proposed consultancy is to support the business community with skills development for the digital economy. The consultancy will support Niue and Tonga to develop toolkits in sectors of competitive advantage, and update the existing toolkits for Vanuatu. A training module, in workshop format, will be created and delivered to micro and small enterprises in Niue, Tonga, and Vanuatu to facilitate the use of these toolkits. Additionally, procedures will be developed to select micro and small enterprises eligible to benefit from the mentoring/coaching and grant scheme parts of the program.

Consultancy Services for the Development of a Rapid Trade in Services Assessment in the Pacific – Vanuatu

Tender ID: T.54.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 24/11/2023 5:00 pm
Country: Vanuatu
Description: The overall objective of the proposed consultancy is to boost trade and investment in services in the Pacific Islands and realise the associated development gains.

Consultancy Services for the Development of a Digital Benchmarking Dashboard for Marketing and Sustainable Tourism Indicators

Tender ID: 23/008
Tenderer: The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 20/11/2023 4:00 pm
Description: The objectives for the development of a Digital Marketing and Sustainable Tourism Indicators Digital Benchmarking Dashboard should be designed to address data-driven decision-making, competitive analysis, sustainability assessment, transparency and accountability and resource allocation.

Legislative and Regulatory Gap Analysis to Facilitate the Just Inclusive Transition for the Energy Sector in Fiji

Tender ID: RFP-2023-017
Tenderer: IRENA Pacific Focal Point
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 03/11/2023 2:00 pm
Description: The objective of the gap analysis study of the legislative framework is to identify gaps and issues that need to be addressed and incorporated into the new legislation and other relevant legislations to facilitate the enabling environment for the accelerated deployment of renewables and increase the participation of the private sector in Fiji's electricity sector. The recommendations put forward by this gap analysis study will endeavor to align the various legislations and ensure complementarity with relevant secondary legislations to facilitate the increased uptake of renewables in Fiji's electricity sector.

Moodle and eLearning Design Consultant

Tender ID: T.46.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 21/11/2023 4:00 pm
Description: PIFS wishes to engage an educational technology and eLearning design consultant to develop an online learning platform and convert new and existing offline training materials to eLearning.

Request for Proposals (RFP) for Appointment of an Independent Agency (Independent Consultant or Recruitment Agency) to shortlist Applications for FFA’S Director General’s Position

Tender ID:
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 13/10/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Solomon Islands
Description: Submissions are invited from interested parties to submit a proposal to be the Independent Agency appointed to draw up a shortlist of applications for the FFA’s Director General position in accordance with the FFA Rules of Procedures for Executive Appointments.

Vacancy – Director General – Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency

Tender ID:
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 30/11/2023 11:59 pm
Country: Solomon Islands
Description: The Director-General (DG) serves as the leader of the FFA Secretariat and is the primary public representative, reporting to Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) and Forum Leaders. The DG works in partnership with the FFC and by direction of Leaders to ensure that the Secretariat fulfils its mission and to create strategies that ensure future success of fisheries management and sector development for the long-term benefits of the membership.

Consultancy Services to Record and Livestream Fiji National Disaster Awareness Week

Tender ID: T.50.23
Tenderer: PIFS
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 21/09/2023 4:00 pm
Description: The main objective of the tender is to select a suitable service provider that is able to record and livestream specific activities happening and in accordance with a schedule that will be provided by the Fiji NDMO.

Scoping Study on Market Research and Identification of Potential Partners for Twelve (12) Product Ranges in Germany

Tender ID: T.48.23
Tenderer: PIFS
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 25/09/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: This consultancy aims to advance market feasibility and secure buying partners to bring Pacific products to the German market.

Technical Assistance for Nauru’s Foreign Investment Scheme

Tender ID: T.49.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 03/10/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The purpose of this contract is to conduct diagnostic studies on Nauru’s legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for investment to acquire technical assistance in implementing reviews and recommendations towards improving Nauru’s prospects for sustainable development.

Secretariat Support Towards Revitalization Efforts of the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation

Tender ID: T.45.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 10/08/2023 4:00 pm
Description: The purpose of this consultancy is to provide secretariat support for PIPSO, reestablish engagement with PIPSO members, partners, and other relevant stakeholders.

Scoping Study on Developing a Kava-Based Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical Industry in the Pacific

Tender ID: T.44.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 07/08/2023 4:00 pm
Description: The overall objective of the consultancy is to undertake a comprehensive scoping study on the feasibility of moving the manufacturing base of a regional kava-based pharmaceutical/nutraceutical industry from Europe to the Pacific to incentivise increased sustainable kava production for export under the EU Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement.

Formulation of Timor-Leste Trade Policy Framework

Tender ID: T.43.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 25/07/2023 5:00 pm
Description: The purpose of the short-term consultancy is to formulate Timor -Leste’s National Trade Policy Framework as it has been identified as a national priority under output activity 2.13.

Review of Niue’s Trade Policy Framework and Implementation Plan

Tender ID: T.35.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 28/07/2023 4:00 pm
Description: The purpose of the short-term consultancy is to undertake a review of Niue’s Trade Policy Framework and Implementation Plan through extensive consultations with relevant national and state stakeholders and assist in preparing a report and a policy statement outlining Niue’s implementation priorities.

Review of Timor-Leste’s Legislative Framework for IEPA Accession

Tender ID: T.41.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 09/08/2023 4:00 pm
Description: The purpose of the short-term consultancy is to review of Timor-Leste’s legislative framework as part of its national readiness processes towards IEPA accession, which was identified as one of the three national priorities for 2023.

Short Term Consultancy for the Development of a Project Fische for Samoa

Tender ID: T.21.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 09/05/2023 4:30 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The purpose of the short-term consultancy is develop Project Fiche which has been identified as a national priority activity per 6.3 of Samoa’s NIPA and develop export readiness and competitiveness indices to support private sector development.

National Consultant to Conduct a Mapping of Palau’s Private Sector Resilience Building Initiatives and to Strengthen Public Private Sector Engagement in Climate Change Finance

Tender ID: T.19.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 05/05/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The consultant will work with the guidance of PCC, Office of the Climate Change, GCF’s National Designated Authority (NDA) team, relevant government agencies and the PIFS PACRES Project team with the objective of consolidating key information and data sources from the private sector to inform more effective policy and decision-making relating to private sector engagement including recommendations to strengthen private sector engagement in all national climate change and disaster related initiatives.

Tuvalu’s Legislative Review for Accession to Pacific IEPA

Tender ID: T.18.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 01/05/2023 4:30 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The purpose of this consultancy is to review and update Tuvalu’s legislative framework to facilitate Tuvalu’s compliance with its legal obligations under the IEPA and its effective implementation post-accession.

Mid-Term Review of the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific 2017-2030

Tender ID: T.12.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 28/04/2023 4:30 pm
Description: The consultant will carry out the responsibilities and tasks as set out under the Terms of Reference (ToR) document which can be downloaded from www.tenders.net/forumsec

Part Time Communications Specialist for Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) Project

Tender ID: T.17.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 25/04/2023 4:30 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The purpose of this open tender is to recruit an experienced part-time communications consultant for a period of eight (8) months to promote the profile of the Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) Initiative, to help mobilise further resources and ensure the sustainability of the workstream.

Consultancy Services for the Development of the Pacific Cultural & Heritage Tourism Guidelines & Conduct the Sustainable Tourism Assessment of Pacific World Heritage Sites

Tender ID: NA
Tenderer: Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 14/04/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: You are requested to submit a comprehensive proposal for the above consultancy as per the Terms of Reference set out in Annex I

Mid-Term Review: Pacific Aid-for-Trade Strategy 2020-2025

Tender ID: T.12.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 23/03/2023 4:30 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The purpose of this open tender is to recruit a short-term trade consultant for a period of up to 25 working days to complete the mid-term review of the Pacific Aid-for-Trade Strategy (PAfTS).

Review of FSM’s Trade Policy Framework and Implementation Plan

Tender ID: T.8.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 28/02/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Federated States of Micronesia
Description: The overall objective is to support the integration of FSM into the regional and global economy by reviewing its 2011 Trade Policy and identifying further measures to be taken to create a conducive policy environment to foster intra-regional and international trade and develop a productive private sector leading to sustainable economic growth and raise living standards in the country.

Preliminary Independent Review of Existing Studies & Conclusions Regarding the Scientific Assessment of the Nuclear Contamination in the Pacific

Tender ID: T.4.23
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 08/03/2023 5:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The objective of this consultancy is to undertake a preliminary independent review of existing studies and conclusions regarding the state of nuclear contamination in the Pacific, including in the Runit nuclear waste site in the Republic of the Marshall Islands and other islands and atolls where tests have been conducted, including Kiribati and French Polynesia.

Short-Term Consultancy for Collection, Transposition, Formatting and Profiling of Trade Data of Pacific ACP State

Tender ID: T.5.23
Tenderer: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 24/03/2023 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The overall objective of the consultancy is to enhance trade and economic policymaking and implementation of trade agreements, including the interim Economic Partnership Agreement between Pacific African, Caribbean, and Pacific (PACP) states with the European Union, through collecting and formatting trade data to international data reporting standards. The envisaged work falls within the Key Result Area 2 (KRA2) of the SPIRIT Contribution Agreement on Strengthening capacity to implement the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The output of this consultancy work will prepare and provide inputs for the Regional Trade Statistics Database, also a Key Result Area of the SPIRIT project.

HR Consultancy to support FFA HR Unit

Tender ID: N/A
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 21/02/2023 5:00 pm
Country: Solomon Islands
Description: Submissions are invited from interested parties to submit a proposal in response to the attached request for proposals to provide HR Consultancy support for the HR Unit of FFA. To enable you to submit a Proposal, please find enclosed: Annex I: Instructions to bidders. Annex II: Terms of Reference. Annex III: FFA Standard Conditions of Contract. This letter is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract to any specific party. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mesake Nawari, Director Corporate Services on email: mesake.nawari@ffa.int (link sends e-mail).

Consultancy to Develop People Strategy & Capability Framework

Tender ID: CP07_2223
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 10/02/2023 5:00 pm
Country: Solomon Islands
Description: To develop the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency People Strategy and the Capability Framework for the Organisation

Review of the FFA UST Regional Fisheries Observer Programme

Tender ID: CP16-2223
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 10/02/2023 5:00 pm
Country: Solomon Islands
Description: Submissions are invited from interested parties to submit a proposal, in response to the attached request for proposals, for the review of FFA US Treaty Regional Fisheries Observer Programme. To enable you to submit a proposal for the work, please find enclosed: ANNEX I: Instructions to bidders ANNEX II: Terms of reference ANNEX III: FFA Standard Conditions of contract This letter is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract to any specific party. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Allan Rahari, Director Corporate Services on email: allan.rahari@ffa.int(link sends e-mail).


Tender ID: n/a
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 14/10/2022 12:00 am
Country: Fiji
Description: Under the guidance of the Secretariat’s Engagement Adviser Sustainable Development the consultant shall provide the following specific services for the concept design, layout and print (including quality control) of the Second Quadrennial Pacific Regional Sustainable Development Report 2022.

Research briefs on climate mobility – Unpacking Relocation Processes and Framework

Tender ID: n/a
Tenderer: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 18/10/2022 4:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP) Technical Working Group on Human Mobility (TWG-HM) was established in July 2019, bringing together interested governments, academics, development partners and other actors to share information, provide expertise, and strengthen efforts to address climate migration, displacement and planned relocation.

Tonga Health Workforce Activity Advanced Notice

Tender ID: 25128988
Tenderer: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 21/12/2021 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: Tonga Health Workforce Activity Advanced Notice RFP

Technical Assistance (TA)/Consultant to Support Implementation of Forum Economic Agenda

Tender ID: n/a
Tenderer: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 29/04/2021 5:00 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) seeks to engage a TA/Consultant to support the work of the Economics Team (ET) including, COVID-19 Economic Recovery, development of a Blue Pacific Economic Strategy and the PRF in 2021/22. The TA will be part of and support ET, under the Programmes and Initiatives division of the Secretariat.

Technical Assistant to Review & Update of the Water & Sanitation Sector “Water for Life Sector Plan”, 2016-2020

Tender ID:
Tenderer: MRNE
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 03/04/2020 4:00 pm
Country: Samoa
Description: Technical Assistant to Review & Update of the Water & Sanitation Sector “Water for Life Sector Plan”, 2016-2020

Wairoa Primary School Learning Support Block B Bathroom

Tender ID: 22394702
Tenderer: Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 06/04/2020 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: This Request for Tenders (RFT) issued by the Ministry of Education (the Ministry/Principal to the Contract) is an open invitation to Contractors (Tenderers) to submit a Tender for Wairoa Primary School (the School) – Learning Support Modifications – Main Contractor (the Contract Works).


Tender ID: 22198954
Tenderer: Far North District Council
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 26/02/2020 11:00 am
Country: New Zealand
Description: Tenders are invited for the above contract, located at: West Coast Rd, RP16005. The works is for the construction of a 75m of timber pole retaining wall and associated wor

DIA Enterprise Support Services (ESS) Solution

Tender ID: 22198435
Tenderer: Department of Internal Affairs
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 27/02/2020 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: We are seeking proposals from solution (software, and implementation services) providers in this RFP (“RFP – Software”) for a new enterprise support services (ESS) solution with a focus on Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS). Our initial contract is expected to be for the Core Finance modules currently provided by Inland Revenue.

Sensitive Claims Residential Rehabilitation Service (SCRR)

Tender ID: 22051891
Tenderer: Accident Compensation Corporation
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 30/07/2024 2:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: ACC are seeking suitably qualified Suppliers to deliver Sensitive Claims Residential Rehabilitation services (SCRR) from the date of contract signing until the current contract expiry date of 30 November 2024 with two rights of renewals of two years each (2+2).

North Auckland Line Upgrade

Tender ID: 21845010
Tenderer: KiwiRail Group
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 01/04/2020 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: Please note that KiwiRail will not enter into any discussion regarding this procurement with any party at this stage

Supply of Dental and Oral Health Products

Tender ID: 21609822
Tenderer: Pharmaceutical Management Agency
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 19/03/2020 4:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – SUPPLY OF DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH PRODUCTS PHARMAC invites proposals for the supply of Dental and Oral Health Products to New Zealand DHB hospitals and their associated community settings.

Main Building Contractor for AMS – A: ILE Stage 2/C, E: ILE Upgrade Stage 2/A, F: Toilets & Guttering at Whatawhata School

Tender ID: 22036743
Tenderer: Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure
Tender Type: EOI Expression of Interest
Expiry Date: 09/01/2020 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: AMS - A: ILE Stage 2/C, E: ILE Upgrade Stage 2/A, F: Toilets & guttering


Tender ID: ECONFJ-894190
Tenderer: Ministry of Economy, Government of Fiji
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 11/12/2019 2:30 pm
Country: Fiji
Description: The Ministry of Health and Medical Services under the Fiji Government invites applications from reputable, financially sound and experienced companies for the tender for purchase of medical appliance and hospital dressings.


Tender ID: 21837322
Tenderer: Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 25/11/2019 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: • Scope: G: Multipurpose Upgrade o Fit acoustic coverings to existing movable wall. • E,M: Heatpump Replacements o Lifecycle replacement of 2x Heatpumps • Site: Upgrade Pathways o Remove existing broken/dropped/raised/uneven pathway sections. Relevel and compact ground to these areas and lay new reinforced concrete/relay cobblestones. • J,M: Horticultural Area Remodel o Improve accessibility to hort area by remodelling ramp and stairs to same locations. o Install close boarded security fencing to existing area. o Install exterior stainless sink bench on brackets. Connect to waste and supply cold water only to the sink.

Main Contractor for Classroom and Toilet Block Refurbishment

Tender ID: 21820000
Tenderer: Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure
Tender Type: Tender
Expiry Date: 27/11/2019 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: James Street School Board of Trustees are seeking a main contractor to refurbish the Classroom in Block C and Staff and DAP Toilets in Block B

Main Contractor for Swimming Pool Rationalisation at Otama School

Tender ID: 21895361
Tenderer: Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 11/12/2019 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: Otama School has approximately 12 pupils’ and 2 teaching staff. It is situated in Otama. The school is located at 12 McBain Road RD 3. Otama, Gore. 9773. Approx. 20 minutes North West of Gore.

Auckland Harbour Bridge Shared Path Project

Tender ID: 21867359
Tenderer: NZTA Highways and Network Operations
Tender Type: EOI Expression of Interest
Expiry Date: 11/11/2019 2:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency invites Registration of Interest (ROI) from pre-qualified teams of designers and contractors, who will form design and construction consortia to tender for the Auckland Harbour Bridge (AHB) Shared Path project. The ROI will be accepted from design and construction consortia who are prequalified to ‘Bridge Construction – Level 3A’ and ‘Construction – Level 4A’ and have experience in the design and delivery of complex concrete and steel girder bridge projects of a similar scale and nature to the AHB Shared Path project.

KiwiBuild Buying off the Plans

Tender ID: 20228439
Tenderer: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 25/12/2027 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: The KiwiBuild Unit, within the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, is part of a broader initiative to facilitate the development of affordable dwellings in New Zealand. We are interested in considering Registrations from experienced residential developers who have access to development-ready land and who are willing to adapt an existing (or planned) development to deliver turnkey affordable KiwiBuild Dwellings.

Theatre Royal/Heritage Facility Development: Project Management and Consultancy Services

Tender ID: 21367053
Tenderer: Timaru District Council
Tender Type: Request for Proposal
Expiry Date: 01/11/2019 5:00 pm
Country: New Zealand
Description: No Overview