The purpose of this open tender is to recruit a short-term trade consultant for a period of up to 25 working days to complete the mid-term review of the Pacific Aid-for-Trade Strategy (PAfTS).
Aid-for-trade is about helping developing countries, in particular the least developed, to build their trade capacity and infrastructure to benefit from trade opening. It has a critical role to play in helping developing countries turn trade policies and strategies into real world trade development.
Pacific Aid-for-Trade Strategy
Pacific Island Countries need to build their trade capacity and infrastructure, as integration into the global economy continues to be hampered by supply-side, regulatory system and trade-related infrastructure constraints.
The development of the PAfTS was endorsed at the Forum Trade Officials’ Meeting in Apia in July 2018. Members “supported the formulation of a new regional PAfTS, to ensure effective coordination of aid-for-trade resources, and priority setting, at the regional level”. The implementation of the PAfTS commenced in 2020 and is due to finish in 2025.
The objective of the PAfTS was to establish a handful of trade policy priorities for the region under the four pillars of ‘Deepening Forum Markets’, ‘Electronic Commerce’, ‘Connectivity’ and ‘Services’, which would form the basis for the Secretariat’s technical assistance to Members.
Since 2020, the Secretariat has commenced the implementation of the following aid-for-trade projects under the four pillars of the PAfTS:
Deepening Forum Markets Electronic Commerce Connectivity Services
Pacific Quality Infrastructure Initiative (implementation ongoing) Pacific Electronic Commerce Initiative
(implementation ongoing) Pacific Regional Labour Mobility Initiative
(development of the Strategy and Implementation Roadmap ongoing)
Strengthening Pacific Intra-Regional and International Trade
(implementation ongoing)
Pacific Regional Kava Development Initiative
(development of the Strategy and Implementation Roadmap ongoing)
Pacific Regional Trade Facilitation Initiative
(development of the Strategy and Implementation Roadmap ongoing)
The PAfTS aims to contributes to – national trade development; regional trade development and economic integration; the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal Eight of ‘decent work and economic growth’; and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, specifically the thematic areas of ‘Resource and Economic Development’, ‘People Centered Development’, and ‘Technology and Connectivity’.
Purpose of the mid-term review of the Pacific Aid-for-Trade Strategy
The objective of the PAfTS mid-term review is to understand Forum Members’, development partners’ and implementation partners’ views:
• on how successful the implementation of the PAfTS has been from 2020-2023;
• the approach to the implementation of the PAfTS from 2023-2025; and
• identify possible focus areas for a second iteration of the PAfTS.
Scope of Work
The Consultant will deliver the following Key Result Areas (KRAs):
• Key Result Area 1 (KRA1): consult PIFS staff and develop a two-page document outlining the work that has commenced under each pillar of the PAfTS, as well as the work yet to be commenced (Consultant Assessment).
• Key Result Area 2 (KRA2): circulate the Consultant Assessment with a survey for Forum Members, development partners and implementation partners on the implementation of the PAfTS (Surveys).
• Key Result Area 3 (KRA3): collate the Consultant Assessment with the results of the Surveys/ into a six-page mid-term review of the PAfTS.
• Key Result Area 4 (KRA4): virtually present the mid-term review of the PAfTS at the Forum Trade Officials’ Meeting and Forum Trade Ministers’ Meeting from 24-28 July.
Academic Qualifications
The Consultant must be an expert in international trade and development, and should possess the following qualifications and experience:
i. Masters degree in trade, law, development studies or a related field.
ii. 10+ years of professional experience as a trade consultant or similar role.
iii. Strong written and presentation skills.
iv. Exceptional analytical and research skills.
v. Proven experience in trade policy analysis.
vi. Proven experience with Survey Monkey or a related survey platform.
vii. Experience with project management.
viii. Ability to work independently to meet deadlines.
Submissions should be entitled:
Method of Submissions:
Submissions must be forwarded in PDF format following the instructions at
Note: Tenders must be submitted with clear labelling of the technical offer and the financial offer. The Technical Offer documents must be saved and submitted clearly labelled “T.12.23 – Response Template”
The electronically submitted documents should be converted to the PDF format.
Deadline for Submissions:
Submissions need to reach the Secretariat by 23 March 2023.
Late or incomplete tenders will not be considered.
Questions and Answers
All queries or request for information must be submitted via the Question-and-Answer Forum at . Tenderers may submit questions in writing to the mentioned Question and Answer Forum before the stated “deadline for requesting clarifications” 8 March. The Secretariat has no obligation to provide clarification after this date.
Note: The Secretariat will not be responsible for non-receipt/non-delivery of the Bid documents due to any reason whatsoever.
Any complaints regarding the Secretariat’s tender must be directed to the following email: This email address will forward your complaint to a person that is independent and removed from the tender process. Complaints must be well founded and should not be used as a mechanism for notifying displeasure with the outcome of a tender award. Further information on making a complaint can be found on the Policies & Information page at
In the event that further information is required by the Secretariat in relation to the tender for consultancy, the Secretariat reserves the right to seek the required information without the need for calling for resubmission of proposals.