Assessment of water supply systems, water quality and options to improve sanitation at BIEM Initiative focal sites, Vanuatu
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SPREP is the executing agency of the By-catch and Integrated Ecosystem Management (BIEM) Initiative, Key Result Area 5 of the Pacific European Union Marine Partnership Programme funded by the European Union and the Government of Sweden (see Annex 2 for further details).
Through the BIEM Initiative SPREP is supporting the governments of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu in the sustainable management of coastal and marine biodiversity. In Vanuatu a BIEM Initiative Steering Committee has been established to guide the planning, implementation and evaluation of BIEM priorities and funding allocations throughout its lifetime.
The Steering Committee has endorsed the implementation of BIEM Initiative Activities 5.2 ‘Integrated ridge to reef ecosystem strategies and coastal zone management planning’ and 5.3 ‘Development and integration of climate change adaptation strategies into coastal community plans’ in four focal sites in Vanuatu (See Annex 3 for maps):
• 3 sites on Malekula island, Malampa Province:
o South West Bay, up to Dixon Reef, (west coast)
o Wiawi, (north west coast)
o Tenmaru, (north west coast)
• 1 site on Pentecost island, Penama Province:
o Laone – Loltong (north west coast)
The overall goal of these activities in the four focal sites is to work with, and increase the capacity of women, men and youth in coastal communities, Government authorities and partners to develop gender and human rights sensitive integrated ecosystem management plans for four coastal areas and associated watersheds that identify realistic activities to increase the natural adaptive capacity of terrestrial and coastal habitats to promote human health, support sustainable livelihoods as well as subsistence-based lifestyles, reduce poverty and contribute to the delivery of Vanuatu’s conservation priorities.
In July 2020 and January 2021 community profiling surveys were undertaken in each of the four sites to gather information about the social and economic circumstances of the communities, understand their perspectives on traditional and co-management of natural resources and their reliance on coastal habitats and species. Based on this information and in line with BIEM Initiative objectives, at their meeting on 30th June 2021the BIEM Initiative Steering Committee endorsed a proposal to assess the existing water supply systems and water quality at each focal site.
Description of Services:
In each of the focal sites the consultants will:
1. Organise and assess the water source, supply and existing sanitations systems and collect information to complete the Bills of Quantities for the procurement of materials to be used to upgrade the water system to a standard that will:
a. Provide clean water from locally available sources for human and domestic animal consumption and use in practical locations agreed to by community members.
b. Minimise the entry of human and domestic animal waste into adjacent coastal habitats.
2. Complete water quality samples to identify coliform bacteria, nitrates, pH, sodium, chloride, fluoride, sulphate, iron, manganese, total dissolved solids in piped water for human consumption and in streams and rivers adjacent to human settlements.
7.1. The due date for submission of the tender is 03 March 2022, midnight (Apia, Samoa local time).
7.2. Late submissions will be returned unopened to the sender.
7.3 Please send all tenders clearly marked ‘‘RFT 2022/001_ReAd: ‘Assessment of water supply systems, water quality and options to improve sanitation at BIEM Initiative focal sites, Vanuatu’ to one of the following methods:
Attention: Procurement Officer
PO Box 240
Fax: 685 20231
Person: Submit by hand in the tenders box at SPREP reception,
Vailima, Samoa.